The couple believe communication in married sex is key. They spoke against modeling after what others do in movies and they also discouraged people from engaging in premarital intimate relations.
“If you’re honest with yourself, and you have sex with someone you’re not married with, I don’t care if you’re an atheist, something feels off. When you’re married that thing doesn’t exist, you are just free,” Warryn added.
The topic of sex is often brought up on the new TV One family reality show. In another episode that aired in July, the husband and wife ministry duo talked about the importance of discussing sex in church.
The topic of sex is often brought up on the new TV One family reality show. In another episode that aired in July, the husband and wife ministry duo talked about the importance of discussing sex in church.
“I think the line between Christianity and sexuality shouldn’t be as a wide gap,” Warryn explained.“People are scared to talk about sex in church [but] you sitting here talking to a bunch of people who all got here cause somebody had sex.”
The series showcases the realities of how Warryn and Erica work to keep their love strong and keeping their sex-life strong is a part of that. The award-winning music producer is also a pastor of the California Worship Center and believes this topic should be talked about openly.
Erica added, “God created it (sex) and we handed it over to the enemy like he does it better, and he don’t. I don’t care what you see on TV and movies, don’t you be fooled, there are some wonderfully saved people who have amazing times and amazing sex lives. We just don’t broadcast it, we just don’t share it with the world.”
“We’re the Campbells,” began airing June 19. The nine-episode docu-series is giving viewers an inside glimpse into the lives of the Gospel entertainment power couple and their three children Warryn, Zaya and teenager Krista.
In a recent interview with The Christian Post, Erica opened up about a clip that aired on the Own Network’s “Black Love” in September 2017, where they revealed a time in their marriage where infidelity crept in. Warryn cheated on his wife and discussed the “selfish behavior” that led to it. The couple managed to get past that hard season of their marriage and the singer hopes people will see true forgiveness displayed on their new show.
“I hope that viewers see real love, communication, honesty, growing past and even falling deeply in love of each other because of a different level of honesty,” Campbell told CP of her marriage. “None of it can happen without forgiveness and because we are believers I have to lean on how would Jesus handle it.
“TV does not show a good reflection of marriage and relationship. We hope to counter that, kids growing up and teaching them life lessons and going through the tough stuff. We want them to understand that all things are possible to them that believe. We have to be a reflection of that to show people to love family and be bold about their faith in a loving, fruitful way, in the way of Jesus.”
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